Tuesday, July 08, 2014

I've moved!

Dear Everyone, I have moved my blog over to Tumblr because, let's face it, my blog needed a visual update. You can find more of my images at annieclaflin.tumblr.com. Please come visit my new blog! xo Annie

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Murphy's Ranch, Santa Monica

These pictures illustrate the area leading to and surrounding the former Nazi sympathizer camp in Rustic Canyon. I treated this region like a crime scene, using my flash to illuminate details of the terrain. These natural features served as markers of this historic topography.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014


I took these images after I completed a wet plate collodion workshop at Los Angeles Center of Photography. The image of my face is a product of a conversation I had that day with a fellow photographer about the recent trend to blow out images. The image of my hands highlight the chemical stains I attained from the wet plate collodion process. They are my darkroom battle scars.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Odd Facades

My newest photo project involves photographing facades that provide insight into lifestyles around Los Angeles. I am interested in two distinct presentations of the home - the first as a shelter from the public and the second as an open exchange between public and private life.
I initially reacted to the towel in this particular scene as it offers an intimate view of this condo's inhabitants. Upon closer examination of this image, I noticed the towel adds weight to the image and it appears as if the balcony is crushing the bush underneath, or, the bush is supporting the balcony above - I'm not sure which is more true. I am fascinated by this battle between man-made and natural structures and enjoy examining the struggle for balance between the two elements.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Serenade

My neighbor, Harvey, serenaded me with a 'Libra' song